Opponents from San Marino M. W D L goals
Record against AC Juvenes/Dogana 42 7 10 25 37:85
Record against AC Libertas 39 4 12 23 29:67
Record against FC Domagnano 32 4 8 20 27:64
Record against FC Fiorentino 33 13 5 15 38:50
Record against San Marino Academy 3 2 0 1 6:3
Record against SC Faetano 39 11 7 21 46:66
Record against SP La Fiorita 40 6 3 31 36:110
Record against SP Tre Fiori 38 6 8 24 42:79
Record against SP Tre Penne 41 3 4 34 33:113
Record against SS Cosmos 49 14 12 23 54:95
Record against SS Folgore/Falciano 41 12 5 24 43:79
Record against SS Murata 40 12 7 21 56:57
Record against SS Pennarossa 40 8 10 22 41:68
Record against SS San Giovanni 38 13 13 12 45:47
Record against SS Virtus 45 13 8 24 53:81

For games that were decided on penalties the score after 120 minutes will be included in the ranking